Friday, March 30, 2012

Small Things.

Some newer sketches for Black. Also, I bought a Fender P-Bass. 
Little angel go away. The devil has my ear today.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Black Shuck.



Not dead. James is in school and I'm working on my Linux+ certification. We're slowly working on Black after an impromptu hiatus. We have a lot of content that we came up with really fast, so we're sifting through and editing our story. Every time we go over the script we're changing things. I really want to make this comic. Its just a lot of work on top of a retail job and teaching myself Linux. (Also, Battlefield 3/Skyrim/Arkham City/AC: Revelations came out and I'm a lazy fuck.)

I am trying to draw more. I'll try posting more.
This city has lost all hope.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Now these types of drawings are something I don't really do to often. And I usually don't show them when I do. But I felt like sharing.
Gears of War 3 came out a couple weeks ago and I drew this at work one day last week.
Small sketches from Black. Just messing around while I was on a plane.
In a nightmare I am falling from the ceiling into bed beside you.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Pencil Time.

Small preview of the pencils for Black. Really small.

Cranking this out is a lot of work. I'm having a lot of fun with this and my hand is getting cramps from the amount of drawing I've been doing recently.
The bone that refused you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pages, pages, pages.

Not dead just working on page layouts. Here's a little bit of interaction between Roger and David.
My version of "The Patchwork Woman."
James' version of "The Patchwork Woman."
A skeleton popped out.
Black Shuck.
Some sketches of David, Black Shuck, and Roger.
A sketch I did of David. Horrendously, out of proportion. But sketch blog demands more sketches.

Been awhile since an update. James and I finished the script for "Black" a few weeks ago. (Mostly James.) And I've been trying to work on page layouts.

I feel my drive to draw increasing every time I work on this project and I'm really excited to start penciling, inking, and posting pages. Its been a long while since I've given a shit about art. For the longest time I've been angry at wasted time. Which is ultimately my fault. But since I've been forcing myself to produce some sort of content I finally feel like I'm accomplishing something and I'm fucking jazzed to start making more content.

With twilight as my guide.

Friday, April 15, 2011


This is Roger. He plays guitar and is generally an annoyingly cryptic antagonistic asshole.

More later.
It's these expressions I never give.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Sketch a day. More of David Black. I'm alright with this drawing.
Broken, the paradigm.
Got my shit-kickers today. Dr. Martens, mostly they just look cool. They they really don't server any other purpose than looking cool.